Friday, 20 December 2013

Top 10 advances to availability since MySQL 5.5

#1 - InnoDB as default

When: MySQL 5.5
  • Row locks instead of table-locks means that there is less contention and sudden stalls as applications become more loaded (i.e. performance degrades much better).
  • InnoDB also features Multiversion concurrency control, which means that queries that read data do not have to set locks - further increasing concurrency and reducing potential stalls.
  • If MySQL crashes, InnoDB is able to perform crash recovery very quickly and come back online (it just replays through its log file). For MyISAM crash recovery takes much longer, as the whole table must be examined.

#2 - Crash safe Replication

When: MySQL 5.6
  • Replication slaves are crash safe. This means when a slave crashes you no longer need to re-image its data from the master or another slave. The slave can resume from where it was.
  • This results is less time without HA, and reduced operations team overhead.

#3 - Semi-sync replication

When: MySQL 5.5 (will get even better performance in MySQL 5.7).
  • Semi-sync is an option where you can make sure at least one slave has a copy of the data.
  • This means less chance of lost transactions if a master fails.

#4 - Improved Group-commit

When: MySQL 5.6
  • This means that transactions being committed near the same time in InnoDB will merge together and write to transaction logs as one operation.
  • This is important because it makes making MySQL run in durable mode) not result in as big of a performance drop.
  • With the addition of changes like this (and fast SSDs) I recommend durability to a lot of users.

#5 - Replication with GTIDs

When: MySQL 5.6
  • Previously it was very difficult when you had a master fail with many slaves. You could not simply pick a new master from one of the slaves and reposition the other slaves under it.
  • With GITDs failover and maintenance operations that change the topology are much easier.

#6 - Online DDL

When: MySQL 5.6
  • A large number of DDL operations (such as adding indexes) now do not block other queries reading or writing to the table. The list of which are blocking writes (‘allows concurrent DML’) is also well documented in the manual.
  • Syntax is also provided so that if the query can not run without locking, it will refuse to execute. For example: ALTER TABLE my_table ADD INDEX a (a), LOCK=NONE;.

#7 - Improved InnoDB crash recovery

When: MySQL 5.5
  • It was discovered that InnoDB crash recovery time was taking a long time on new servers with large amounts of RAM.
  • The performance was greatly improved with a new crash recovery algorithm in MySQL 5.1 (InnoDB plugin edition only) and MySQL 5.5 (by default).
  • This is now a very serious issue if you are running an older version of MySQL on some of the hardware available today.

#8 - Improved adaptive flushing

When: MySQL 5.5 (improved in MySQL 5.6)
  • For performance InnoDB delays writes by first writing to a transaction log in the foreground, and then writing to destined page locations in the background.
  • In earlier versions of MySQL it is possible that the log files can ‘fill up’ and have no free space available for new modifications. This can result in sudden stalls as the server quickly frees up and makes log space available.
  • In MySQL 5.5 an adaptive flushing algorithm is introduced (default: on) to flush pages more aggressively as free space is running low. This feature results in more consistent and stable response times for all queries.

#9 - LRU not victim to side workloads

When: Introduced MySQL 5.5, MySQL 5.6 (by default)
  • When MySQL needs to perform sudden IO (such as in the case of a mysqldump) it is possible that the ‘good’ contents of the cache could be unloaded from memory.
  • In MySQL 5.5, the cache algorithm was changed from a classic LRU to a young sublist (default: 63%) and old sublist (default: 37%) so that these expensive side-load queries could have a fixed resource limit applied to them.
  • The configuration variable innodb_old_blocks_time was introduced to specify the minimum time in milliseconds that a page must be in the old sublist before it can be promoted to the young sublist. In 5.6 it defaults to 1000.

#10 - MySQL Utilities

When: Independent Release
  • MySQL now releases an official set of MySQL Utilities that provide command-line utilities for maintaining and administering MySQL servers.
  • Notably mysqlfailover provides a scripted way to failover when using Replication with GTIDs. MySQL Fabric (Not yet GA; Labs Release Only) provides sharding with High-Availability groups.
By Morgan Tocker

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Friday, 13 December 2013

InnoDB Internal Memory Usage Indetail

InnoDB is one of the most important storage engines in MySQL. Due to its transactional capabilities, locking levels and foreign key support it has become one of the widely used storage engines for MySQL. However unlike MyISAM, InnoDB is fairly complex in its architecture. Let's review how the architecture looks like on disk and memory (RAM) subsystem.

The following components are the most important in InnoDB :
1) InnoDB buffer pool
2) Transaction log buffer
3) InnoDB IO threads
4) Transaction Log files
5) Table-space files
6) Datafiles
To demonstrate the use of all the components, let's take a simple batch of Insert statement into consideration. The statement would be "INSERT INTO employee.employees (empno, empname, sal, hiredate, dept) VALUES (1, 'Akshay', 'XXXXXX','01-12-2011', 'MySQL')".
So the above statement makes it through components at the server level like we referred earlier in our previous document. Likewise coming from Client, scanning the Query cache, parsing, pre-processing, optimizing and then finally to the storage engine, let's see what happens further at the storage engine level :
1) Once the statement enters the InnoDB kernel, innodb checks whether the requested data "page" exist in the "BUFFER POOL". The buffer pool contains all the data pages which needs to be changed (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) or read ( SELECT). It will contain both the Index as well as Data Pages. So the INSERT statement above will check if the page in which record with values "(1, 'Akshay', 'XXXXXX','01-12-2011', 'MySQL')" needs to be inserted already exist in the pool, if it finds the page it will make the changes to page or if it doesnt find the page it will read from the Disk (datafile) in to the memory (Buffer pool) and then change it. InnoDB Buffer pool is most important memory structure in InnoDB, and is set using "innodb_buffer_pool_size" variable. Usually this is set to around 50-80% of the total RAM.
2) Once the data and index pages are changed in the buffer pool the pages are marked "DIRTY" and the INSERT statement is logged in the transaction log buffer. The function of transaction log buffer is very trivial in an RDBMS. Later the contents of transaction log buffer are written to the transaction log files (specifically on COMMITs). Lets summarize the document later with note on understanding transaction logs.
3) InnoDB IO threads are internal to InnoDB kernel and not related to any connection threads or O.S. threads (InnoDB IO threads works at the storage engine layer, whereas Connection threads works at MySQL Server layer). These IO threads (mainly known as Innodb Read threads and Write threads) does the job of writing DIRTY pages to the disk files from buffer pool and log buffer and reading pages from the files. Hence the above INSERT's data will written to the disk by one of the IO threads.
4) Transaction log files contains the contents from transaction log buffer on a durable media (Hard disks). It's used for transaction recovery during Instance crash (We will visit Instance crash in next sessions) and for POINT IN TIME RECOVERY. These files can be found in MySQL datadir namely "ib_logfile0" and "ib_logfile1". The files are used in a circular fashion, like, initially innodb will start filling up "ib_logfile0" and then "ib_logfile1".
5) Table-space files usually named as "ibdata1" files are used for multiple purposes. It stores the actual table and index data (if "innodb_file_per_table" is disabled), data-dictionary (meta-data about Innodb tables) and the undo-logs (used for ROLLBACK). So the DIRTY pages from BUFFER POOL will be written to the table-space files by the IO threads.
6) Datafiles are the files created when "innodb_file_per_table" is set. These files have filenames like <table_name>.ibd. These files contains index as well as actual data of the tables. These files allow easy maintenance as compared single tablespace file due to its size considerations. Every table will have its own .ibd file created in its respective data directory.
InnoDB uses its log to reduce the cost of committing transactions. Instead of flushing the buffer pool to disk when each transaction commits, it logs the transactions. The changes transactions make to data and indexes often map to random locations in the tablespace, so flushing these changes to disk would require random I/O. InnoDB assumes it’s using conventional disks, where random I/O is much more expensive than sequential I/O because of the time it takes to seek to the correct location on disk and wait for the desired part of the disk to rotate under the head.
InnoDB uses its log to convert this random disk I/O into sequential I/O. Once the log is safely on disk, the transactions are permanent, even though the changes haven’t been written to the data files yet. If something bad happens (such as a power failure), InnoDB can replay the log and recover the committed transactions. Of course, InnoDB does ultimately have to write the changes to the data files, because the log has a fixed size. It writes to the log in a circular fashion: when it reaches the end of the log, it wraps around to the beginning. It can’t overwrite a log record if the changes contained there haven’t been applied to the data files, because this would erase the only permanent record of the committed transaction.
To understand this more deeply, please read about difference between Random I/O and Sequential I/O. There are some SQL statements which can force such an I/O, take it as a Homework to find such Statements.

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