Sunday 13 April 2014

InnoDB Transaction Isolation Levels and Concurrency

When multiple clients run transactions concurrently, three problems that may result are dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantoms. These occur under the following circumstances:

A dirty read is a read by one transaction of uncommitted changes made by another. Suppose that transaction T1 modifies a row. If transaction T2 reads the row and sees the modification even though T1 has not committed it, that is a dirty read. One reason this is a problem is that if T1 rolls back, the change is undone but T2 does not know that.

A non-repeatable read occurs when a transaction performs the same retrieval twice but gets a different result each time. Suppose that T1 reads some rows and that T2 then changes some of those rows and commits the changes. If T1 sees the changes when it reads the rows again, it gets a different result; the initial read is non-repeatable. This is a problem because T1 does not get a consistent result from the same query.

A phantom is a row that appears where it was not visible before. Suppose that T1 and T2 begin, and T1 reads some rows. If T2 inserts a new row and T1 sees that row when it reads again, the row is a phantom.

InnoDB implements four isolation levels that control the visibility of changes made by one transaction to other concurrently executing transactions:

READ UNCOMMITTED : allows a transaction to see uncommitted changes made by other transactions. This isolation level allows dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantoms to occur.

READ COMMITTED : allows a transaction to see changes made by other transactions only if they’ve been committed. Uncommitted changes remain invisible. This isolation level allows non-repeatable reads and phantoms to occur.

REPEATABLE READ : ensures that if a transaction issues the same SELECT twice, it gets the same result both times, regardless of committed or uncommitted changes made by other transactions. In other words, it gets a consistent result from different executions of the same query. In some database systems,  isolation level allows phantoms, such that if another transaction inserts new rows in the interval between the SELECT statements, the second SELECT will see them. This is not true for InnoDB, phantoms do not occur for the REPEATABLE READ level.

SERIALIZABLE : completely isolates the effects of one transaction from others. It is similar to REPEATABLE READ with the additional restriction that rows selected by one transaction cannot be changed by another until the first transaction finishes.

The essential difference between REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE is that with REPEATABLEREAD, one transaction cannot modify rows another has modified, whereas with SERIALIZABLE,one transaction cannot modify rows if another has merely even read them.

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