Monday, 14 December 2015

Not able to shutdown the DB instance using mysqld_multi from MySQL 5.6.27 due to "Access denied" issue

Problem Statement : Not able to shutdown the DB instance using mysqld_multi from MySQL 5.6.27 due to "Access denied" issue

[ mysql@localhost ~]$  /opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/mysqld_multi --defaults-file=/mysqldata/configfiles/localhost_3307.cnf stop 3307
Stopping MySQL servers
[ mysql@localhost ~]$ Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
/opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'multi_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'

Note: Shutdown userid is created with right credentials , and entered correctly in extra configuration file , but not able to shutdown the instance with error "Access Denied" for the shutdown userid.

mysql> select user,host,password,password('multipass') from mysql.user where user = 'multi_admin'\G
                 user: multi_admin
                 host: localhost
             password       : *4FD92416C02EC3BD04A97613DB2CB33717E99D0F
password('multipass'): *4FD92416C02EC3BD04A97613DB2CB33717E99D0F

mysql> show grants for multi_admin@localhost;

| GRANT SHUTDOWN ON *.* TO 'multi_admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*4FD92416C02EC3BD04A97613DB2CB33717E99D0F' |

mysqld             =/opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/mysqld_safe
mysqladmin    =/opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/mysqladmin
user                = multi_admin
password       = multipass

Solution : This is just a suggestion to circumvent the problem until there is a permanent fix .

Obviously everyone will start debugging mysqld_multi which is a perl script . 
When you do a diff between previous version, say 5.6.16 and current version 5.6.27 , you wont find any difference in this open text perl script.

Problem lies with the binary file my_print_defaults.

If you use the previous version [ 5.6.16 ] and run the "my_print_defaults" command on the extra configuration file, it prints the options you have entered correctly .

[ mysql@localhost ~]$ /opt/product/mysql/mysql5616/bin/my_print_defaults --defaults-file=/mysqldata/configfiles/localhost_3307.cnf mysqld_multi

If you use the newer version [ 5.6.27 ] and run the "my_print_defaults" command on the extra configuration file, it prints the options you have entered correctly except for password where it masks any password you have given to "*****",  therein lies the problem which breaks the mysqld_multi.

[ mysql@localhost ~]$ /opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/my_print_defaults --defaults-file=/mysqldata/configfiles/localhost_3307.cnf mysqld_multi

Fortunately my_print_defaults has an option -s, --show          Show passwords in plain text.

[ mysql@localhost ~]$ /opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/my_print_defaults -s --defaults-file=/mysqldata/configfiles/localhost_3307.cnf mysqld_multi

Option #1 : Pass the password in command line itself of mysqld_multi manually 
Option #2 : Alter the mysqld_multi where it calls my_print_defaults . 
Since mysqld_multi executes my_print_defaults internally and stores all the values passed in extra configuration file, depending on the option "-s" , 
password is passed to calling script either in plain text [ if "-s" option is used" or password is passed as masked "*****"  [if "-s" option is not used ]

Open "/opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/mysqld_multi" , and make the following change in line #216

    Line # 216 :  my $com= join ' ', 'my_print_defaults', @defaults_options, $group;
After :
    Line # 216 :  my $com= join ' ', 'my_print_defaults -s', @defaults_options, $group;

Solved :

[ mysql@localhost ~]$ /opt/product/mysql/mysql5627/bin/mysqld_multi --defaults-file=/mysqldata/configfiles/localhost_3307.cnf stop 3307
Stopping MySQL servers
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

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